Cornish REX Showing
All about your Sphynx Cat's hygiene
Sphynx Cat Hygiene
All of our cornish rex companions are registered with either, The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) or The International Cat Association (TICA), the two most common cat registries. If you find yourself interested in showing this magnificent, unique breed, we have listed the breed standards below:
CFA Cornish Rex Standards
GENERAL: the Cornish Rex is distinguished from all other breeds by its extremely soft, wavy coat and racy type. It is surprisingly heavy and warm to the touch. All contours of the Cornish Rex are gently curved. By nature, the Cornish Rex is intelligent, alert, and generally likes to be handled.
PROFILE: a curve comprised of two convex arcs. The forehead is rounded, the nose break smooth and mild, and the Roman nose has a high prominent bridge.
HEAD: comparatively small and egg shaped. Length about one third greater than the width. A definite whisker break, oval with gently curving outline in front and in profile.
MUZZLE: narrowing slightly to a rounded end.
EARS: large and full from the base, erect and alert; set high on the head.
EYES: medium to large in size, oval in shape, and slanting slightly upward. A full eye’s width apart. Color should be clear, intense, and appropriate to coat color.
NOSE: Roman. Length is one-third length of head. In profile a straight line from end of nose to chin with considerable depth and squarish effect.

CHEEKS: cheek bones high and prominent, well chiseled. CHIN: strong, well-developed.
BODY: very distinctive, small to medium in size, males proportionately larger but never coarse. Torso long and slender, not tubular, showing a deep, but not broad chest. The general outline is comprised of graceful arches and curves without any sign of flatness. The back is naturally arched and evident when the cat is standing naturally. The underline gently curves upward from the ribcage to form a smallish (tucked up in appearance) waistline. Hips and thighs muscular and feel somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body.
SHOULDERS: well-knit. RUMP: rounded, well-muscled.
LEGS: very long and slender. Thighs well-muscled, somewhat heavy in proportion to the rest of the body. The Cornish Rex stands high on its legs.
PAWS: dainty, slightly oval. Toes: five in front and four behind.
TAIL: long and slender, tapering toward the end and extremely flexible.
NECK: long and slender.
BONE: fine and delicate.
COAT: short, extremely soft, silky, and completely free of guard hairs. Relatively dense. A tight, uniform marcel wave, lying close to the body and extending from the top of the head across the back, sides, and hips continuing to the tip of the tail. Size and depth of wave may vary. The fur on the underside of the chin and on chest and abdomen is short and noticeably wavy.
COLOR AND MARKINGS: Cats with no more white than a locket and/or button(s) do not qualify for the Calico or Bi-color classes. Such cats shall be judged in the color class of their basic color with no penalty for such locket or button(s). Sizes of such lockets or buttons can vary from cat to cat.
CONDITION: firm and muscular.
PENALIZE: sparse coat or bare spots.
DISQUALIFY: kinked or abnormal tail. Incorrect number of toes. Any coarse or guard hairs. Any signs of lameness in the hindquarters. Signs of poor health.
TICA Cornish Rex Standards
HEAD: Shape: Medium, egg-shaped with a pronounced occiput, accentuating the oval. Longer than wide, but not extremely long.
EYES: Medium sized, oval in shape. Set an eye’s width apart and slanting slightly upward. Color in keeping with coat color.
EARS: Large. Deep conical shape with a modified point. Set high, but not so high as to suggest “donkey” ears. Usually naked on outer surface.
CHIN: There should be a straight line from nose to chin, neither receding nor protruding, and in keeping with the rounded egg-shape.
MUZZLE: Definite break.
PROFILE: Roman, with a high, prominent bridge. There can be a very slight change of direction, even with the eyes, separating two convex curves or one continuous convex curve.
NECK: Slender and medium in length.
BODY: Shape: Long, with full and deep rib cage. Trunk follows upward curve of back bone forming a “tuck-up’ with rounded hips that are somewhat heavy in proportion to rest of body. Small to medium in size, males proportionately larger.

BONING: Very fine.
MUSCULATURE: Hard and muscular.
TAIL: Long, slender and tapering slightly from body to end. Covered with fine dense hair with waves preferred, but no penalty for baldness on upper surface of tail. Abnormality of the tail should not be confused with a slight natural curve of the last vertebrae found in some Cornish Rex.
FEET: Small, oval.
COAT/COLOR/PATTERN: Length: Short. Texture: Fine, soft hair should have distinct ridges giving it a wavelike appearance. Like velvet pile on head and legs.
COLOR: Recognized in all colors.
CONDITION: Hard and muscular with no indication of obesity or emaciation. Abdomen tight. Eyes bright and clear. Coat with healthy sheen. An overall appearance of health and vitality.
BALANCE: The overall physical appearance of the cat should be a distinctive combination of fine bones and firm muscles with each part in proper proportion to the whole animal. The Cornish Rex has a very alert and athletic look.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION: A Cornish Rex is a curly-coated, fine boned cat that stands high on its legs. It has a distinctive arched back, deep rib cage and “tuck-up” resembling a greyhound. The Cornish Rex has a hard, muscular body that is warm to the touch. The coat quality, texture, waviness, as well as the distinctive body type are of prime importance.
ALLOWANCES: White lockets or buttons are permitted.
PENALIZE: Lack of a definite muzzle break. Extreme wedge-shaped head. Bareness on large portion of the body, except ears and tail.
WITHHOLD ALL AWARDS (WW): Presence of coarse hairs.
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